Important announcement about the Stoked Ecstatic Dance Festival...

A reimagining and a pause...

The Evolution of Our Gathering to a Dance Temple Family Event

With deep reflection and heartfelt discussion, we are announcing a significant evolution in our plans for what was initially introduced as the Stoked Ecstatic Dance Festival. Embracing the true spirit of our community, we are excited to introduce the newly envisioned Dance Temple Family Gathering: Convergence, set to bloom in May of 2025. As such the proposed festival for this year has been cancelled. 

This decision comes as we embrace a path more aligned with the intimate and transformative experiences we wish to co-create. Recent reflections, including a shift in collaboration, have illuminated the need for more time to align with the core values of Dance Temple communities. 

We approach this moment of transition not with a sense of loss, but with deep gratitude for the journey thus far and respect for all contributions made, including those from our friends at the Vibes Team.

Our gathering next year will be a celebration of these values—a space where we can all contribute to an extended Dance Temple family reunion that honors the sacredness of dance, the warmth of community, and the joy of coming together to deepen and grow.

To our cherished community: your patience, understanding, and unwavering support are the heartbeat of this family. Your dreams, your dances, and your spirit are the fuel for a gathering that promises to be a profound expression of our collective soul. 

We invite you to share your ideas and dreams with us as we co-create this event, ensuring it reflects the very essence of what makes our community so special. The core production team is currently made up of Alex and Lila, with support from Jaz and Naomi. We also have Mel Vindevoghel from the Cowichan area heading up our kids program. We are very open to hearing from you about the kinds of things you'd like to see at next year's gathering. 

Stay tuned for more details as we carry forward the excitement, love, and magic of bringing together all the Dance Temple communities of this area to co-create!

We look forward to sharing this journey with you, with heartfelt gratitude and anticipation, if you'd like to stay in touch with us and be the first to know when a date is chosen and other exciting details, please share your email address with us below.

Deepest of dancing bows,
The Dance Temple Production Team
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